Tuesday, June 26, 2012

you're invited to the pants party

via bjonesstyle
via bjonesstyle
via cheetah is the new black
via cheetah is the new black
Lately I have been really into bold, graphic printed pants. Leopard print, black and tribal, floral, you name it and I like it. I mentioned in my past posts that I am trying to add more color and "pzazz" to my wardrobe this year, and I believe if the pants are fitted right and paired with a great heel, this is the perfect way to do just that!

♥ ♥ ♥ Shawn

Monday, June 25, 2012

style saint

me-ow, via stylesaint
amazing colours, via stylesaint
beauty book, via style saint
blue tulle, via stylesaint
lost, via stylesaint
big trender, via stylesaint
look but don't touch, via stylesaint
Hello everyone! I apologize for my absence, it has been a while since I last blogged. I won't bother with a list of excuses, but I'm back and in my opinion, that's all that matters! I totally owe you an outfit post this week (hopefully more than one). We'll see if my schedule allows it, but for now, I wanted to share with you a new treasure I discovered today while at work. I was invited to join this new style inspiration website called, StyleSaint. It is very similar to Pintrest, but strictly all things fashion and style related. It seems pretty cool so far, and I'm excited to play around on it more. As far as my post for today goes, I wanted to share the few pictures that really made my heart pitter-patter with love and envy. So with that, i wish you goodnight for now, and I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do!

♥ ♥ ♥ Shawn