Monday, April 30, 2012


blue bird tank top, american apparel shorts, ruby and bloom moccasins, f12 necklace, random bracelets, marc jacobs watch, uo sunnies
Saturday we spent the day at Andrew's parents' house to celebrate his Grandpa's birthday. It was around 75 degrees out and a little windy-but overall gorgeous. We hung out by the pool, vegged out and drank delicious wine. It was a splendid day to say the least. Here is a few shots from my mini photo shoot by the pool. I tried to capture some of the six pink flamingos that Andrew's mom has-I absolutely adore them! Enjoy!

 I also wanted to say thanks for following my little blog, it's totally a work in progress still, but all your views and support mean the world to me!

♥ ♥ ♥ Shawn

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